
45 Mins Audio Tarot Session

SKU: 45-min-audio-tarot-session


In our 45-minute Tarot card reading session, where you can have a direct audio call with one of our experienced Tarot card readers.


Let’s get started. In these brief moments, you will have the opportunity to connect with our skilled Tarot card reader in a private audio call. This session is all about addressing your questions and concerns.

As the cards are shuffled on the reader’s end, you can take a deep breath and focus your intention on the areas of your life you’d like insights into. Whether it’s love, career, or personal growth, our reader is here to assist you.

The cards have been drawn, and the reader is ready to interpret them for you, providing insights, guidance, and clarity.

Remember, Tarot readings are not about predicting the future with absolute certainty but rather offering guidance and a fresh perspective on your current path.

Now, let’s begin the live interpretation of the cards during your 15-minute audio call.

Our Tarot card reader will guide you through the meanings of the cards as you discuss your questions and concerns. Feel free to ask questions and engage in the conversation.

In just a few moments, this session will conclude, but the insights you gain can be a powerful tool for your decision-making and personal growth.

Thank you for joining us in this 15-minute live Tarot card reading session. If you find value in this call, consider exploring longer, more in-depth readings with our skilled Tarot card readers in the future.

May this call bring you the clarity and guidance you seek, and may your journey be filled with insight and purpose.


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About me

Myself Heena, I am a Life Coach, certified Psychic Tarot Reader as well as Spiritual Adviser situated at Gurgaon, Haryana doing sessions locally and all around the world virtually.